At Midstates Group, we prioritize keeping our customers informed about postal changes and providing cost-saving strategies to maintain a positive return on investment. Join our experts in this informative webinar as they guide you through the upcoming postal rate increase effective July 14th, 2024, and share tips on how to flex your specifications and utilize promotions to mitigate the impact.

Joining us for this webinar are three industry experts:

  • Michelle Zalewski, VP of Postal Affairs & Sales with ALG Worldwide Logistics, who will discuss co-mail, co-mingle, and other solutions to reduce postal costs.
  • Eric Stevenson, Chief Operating Officer with Midstates Group, who will explain the impact of the postal increase effective July 14, 2024, and provide strategies to optimize your direct mail specifications to save money.
  • Taylor Wensmann, VP of Logistics with Midstates Group, who will cover how to take advantage of the 2024 & 2025 postal promotions.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please reach out to our sales team at Midstates Group for assistance.

Click Here: Webinar Questions & Answers